
You can find the latest list of publications from my Google Scholar profile.

A. Peer-reviewed scientific articles

  1. Heikinheimo, V., O. Järv, H. Tenkanen, T. Hiippala & T. Toivonen. Detecting country of residence from social media data: a comparison of methods. International Journal of Geographical Information Science (2022).

  2. Bergroth, C., O. Järv, H. Tenkanen, M. Manninen & T. Toivonen. A 24-hour dynamic population distribution dataset based on mobile phone data from Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Finland. Scientific Data (2022).

  3. Tenkanen, H. & Christoph Fink (2022). Reproducible methods for spatio-temporal accessibility and mobility studies. The Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Location-Based Services, 12-14th September (2022).

  4. Willberg, E., H. Tenkanen, A. Poom, M. Salonen & T. Toivonen. Comparing spatial data sources for cycling studies – A review. In M. Mladenovic, T. Toivonen, E. Willberg & K. Geurs (Eds.). Transport in Human Scale Cities, 288p. Edward Elgar Publishing (2021)

  5. Tenkanen, H. & T. Toivonen. Longitudinal spatial dataset on travel times and distances by different travel modes in Helsinki Region. Scientific Data 7: 77, 1-15 (2020).

  6. Heikinheimo, V., H. Tenkanen, C. Bergroth, O. Järv, T. Hiippala & T. Toivonen. Understanding the use of urban green spaces from user-generated geographic information. Landscape and Urban Planning 201, 1-15 (2020).

  7. Hausmann, A., T. Toivonen, C. Fink, V. Heikinheimo, R. Kulkarni, H. Tenkanen & E. Di Minin. Understanding sentiment of national park visitors from social media data. People and Nature 2, 750-760 (2020).

  8. Hausmann, A., T. Toivonen, C. Fink, V. Heikinheimo, H. Tenkanen, S. Butchart, T. Brooks & E. Di Minin. Assessing global popularity and threats to Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas using social media data. Science of the Total Environment 683, 617-623 (2019).

  9. Tenkanen, H., J. Londoño Espinosa & T. Toivonen. Where are the centers of a city? A method to analyze centrality and modal equity of transport in comparable manner across city regions. The Proceedings of the 27th GISRUK conference, 23th-26th April. (2019).

  10. Toivonen, T., V. Heikinheimo, C. Fink, A. Hausmann, T. Hiippala, O. Järv, H. Tenkanen & E. Di Minin. Social media for conservation science: a methodological overview. Biological Conservation, 233, 298-315 (2019).

  11. Di Minin E., C. Fink, T. Hiippala & H. Tenkanen. A framework for investigating illegal wildlife trade on social media with machine learning. Conservation Biology 33: 1, 210-213, (2019).

  12. Järv, O., Tenkanen, H., Salonen, M., Ahas, R. & Toivonen, T. Dynamic cities: Location-based accessibility modelling as a function of time. Applied Geography 95, 101–110 (2018).

  13. Hiippala, T., Hausmann, A., Tenkanen, H. & Toivonen, T. Exploring the linguistic landscape of geotagged social media content in urban environments. Digital Scholarship in Humanities fqy049,, (2018).

  14. Di Minin, E., Fink, C., Tenkanen, H. & Hiippala, T. Machine learning for tracking illegal wildlife trade on social media. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2, 406–407 (2018).

  15. Järv, O., Tenkanen, H. & Toivonen, T. Enhancing spatial accuracy of mobile phone data using multi-temporal dasymetric interpolation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31, 1630–1651 (2017).

  16. Tenkanen, H. E. Di Minin, V. Heikinheimo, A. Hausmann, M. Herbst, L. Kajala & T. Toivonen. Instagram, Flickr, or Twitter: Assessing the usability of social media data for visitor monitoring in protected areas. Scientific Reports 7, 17615 (2017).

  17. Heikinheimo, V., E. Di Minin, H. Tenkanen, A. Hausmann, J. Erkkonen and T. Toivonen. User-Generated Geographic Information for Visitor Monitoring in a National Park: A Comparison of Social Media Data and Visitor Survey. International Journal of Geo-Information 6: 85 (2017).

  18. Hausmann, A., T. Toivonen, V. Heikinheimo, H. Tenkanen, R. Slotow & E. Di Minin. Social media reveal that charismatic species are not the main attractor of ecotourists to sub-Saharan protected areas. Scientific Reports 7, 763 (2017).

  19. Hausmann, A., T. Toivonen, R. Slotow, H. Tenkanen, A. Moilanen, V. Heikinheimo & E. Di Minin. Social Media Data Can Be Used to Understand Tourists’ Preferences for Nature-Based Experiences in Protected Areas. Conservation Letters 11, (2017).

  20. Tenkanen, H., Saarsalmi, P., Järv, O., Salonen, M. & Toivonen, T. Health research needs more comprehensive accessibility measures: integrating time and transport modes from open data. International Journal of Health Geographics 15, 23 (2016).

  21. Tenkanen, H., Salonen, M., Lattu, M. & Toivonen, T. Seasonal fluctuation of riverine navigation and accessibility in Western Amazonia: An analysis combining a cost-efficient GPS-based observation system and interviews. Applied Geography 63, 273–282 (2015).

  22. Tenkanen, H., V. Heikinheimo, O. Järv, M. Salonen, & T. Toivonen. Open data for accessibility and travel time analyses: Helsinki Region Travel Time and CO2 Matrix. On “Geospatial Data in a Changing World: The short papers and poster papers of the 19th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science”, 14-17 June 2016, Helsinki, Finland. Sarjakoski, T., Santos, M. Y. & Sarjakoski, L. T. (eds.). The Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for Europe (AGILE), p. 1-4 4 p. (2016).

  23. Di Minin, E., Tenkanen, H. & Toivonen, T. Prospects and challenges for social media data in conservation science. Frontiers in Environmental Science 3, (2015).

  24. Laatikainen, T., Tenkanen, H., Kyttä, M. & Toivonen, T. Comparing conventional and PPGIS approaches in measuring equality of access to urban aquatic environments. Landscape and Urban Planning 144, 22–33 (2015).

  25. Toivonen, T., M. Salonen, H. Tenkanen, P. Saarsalmi, T. Jaakkola & J. Järvi Joukkoliikenteellä, autolla ja kävellen: Avoin saavutettavuusaineisto pääkaupunkiseudulta. Terra 126: 3, 127-136. (2014).

  26. Tenkanen, H., Salonen, M., Lattu, M. & Toivonen, T. Geographic knowledge discovery from sparse GPS-data with R – Spatio-temporal examination of Amazonian river transports. On a book: Jolma, A., Sarkola, P. & Lehto, L. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd Open Source Geospatial Research & Education Symposium OGRS 2014. Aalto University publication series, Science + Technology, 5: 123-130. (2014).

  27. Järvi, J., Salonen, M., Saarsalmi, P., Tenkanen, H. & Toivonen, T. Reititin: an open source tool for analysing accessibility by public transport in Greater Helsinki. On a book: Jolma, A., Sarkola, P. & Lehto, L. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd Open Source Geospatial Research & Education Symposium OGRS 2014. Aalto University publication series, Science + Technology, 5: 149-154. (2014).

  28. Montesino Pouzols, F., T. Toivonen, E. Di Minin, A. Kukkala, P. Kullberg, J. Kuustera, J. Lehtomäki, H. Tenkanen, P. H. Verburg & A. Moilanen. Global protected area expansion is compromised by projected land-use and parochialism. Nature 516, 383–6 (2014).

B. Non-refereed scientific articles

  1. Salonen, M., H. Tenkanen, V. Heikinheimo & T. Toivonen. Future mobility and accessibility - Greater Helsinki: a case study. In Transitions towards a more sustainable mobility system : TERM 2016: Transport indicators tracking progress towards environmental targets in Europe. European Environment Agency, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 35–37. (2016).

  2. Whipp, D., Tenkanen, H. & Heikinheimo, V. Geo-Python: An open online introduction to programming in Python for geoscientists. in European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) (2018).

C. Scientific books

  1. Tenkanen, H., V. Heikinheimo & D. Whipp. Introduction to Python for Geographic Data Analysis. (forthcoming). CRC Press. Taylor & Francis.

D. Publications intended for professional communities

  1. Medeiros C., B. Darboux, J. A. Sanchez, H. Tenkanen, M. L. Meneghetti, Z. K. Shinwari, J. Montoya, I. Smith, A. Mccray. IAP input into the UNESCO Open Science Recommendation. UNESCO/InterAcademic Partnership (IAP). (2020).

  2. Heikinheimo, V., Tenkanen, H., Hiippala, T. & Toivonen, T. Digital Imaginations of National Parks in Different Social Media: A Data Exploration. In R Westerholt , F-B Mocnik & A Zipf (eds.), On the Way to Platial Analysis: Can Geosocial Media Provide the Necessary Impetus? : Proceedings of the First Workshop on Platial Analysis. Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, pp. 45-52 , PLATIAL’18 , Heidelberg , Germany , 20/09/2018 ., (2018).

E. Theses

  1. Tenkanen, H. Capturing time in space: Dynamic analysis of accessibility and mobility to support spatial planning with open data and tools. (University of Helsinki, 2017).

  2. Tenkanen, H. (2013). Geographic knowledge discovery from sparse GPS-data: Revealing spatio-temporal patterns of Amazonian river transports. MSc thesis, Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki.